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A lifelong passion ...

"Composition: Finding Your Voice"

For many years, I have enjoyed giving lectures, workshops and masterclasses across the country and overseas.  It has been one wild chapter after another.  Recently, I have taken an interest in the culture and history of Latin American music, American jazz and international folk dance traditions.  And of course, my all-time favorite passion remains the importance of sharing the joy of original composition!


Current lecture topics


Dance with the World (90 minutes)


Introduce your students to the joy of international music and dance!  Since the beginning of mankind, music and movement have been at the heart of human expression. Using selections from Musica Latina and her new series, Dancing with the World, Wynn-Anne will take us on a tour through prominent dance rhythms, melodic modes and colorful harmonies that circle our world.  Be prepared to dance through historic and cultural differences while celebrating our shared humanity!


Rossi materials: Música Latina, Dancing with the World 


Creative Composition in the Studio (60 minutes)


The beauty of musical language meets applied music theory!  Wynn-Anne will demonstrate a streamlined approach to promoting creativity and teaching composition that requires only 3-5 minutes per lesson.  Ranging from lesson one to advanced levels, students can explore new realms of musicality while growing in self-esteem.  


Rossi materials: Creative Composition Toolbox, Music by Me



Discover Latin (60 minutes)


Experience the unique characteristics of Latin American music while exploring the history and culture of this part of the world.  Listen to mesmerizing melodies, stimulating polyrhythms and colorful harmonies through Rossi solo and duet repertoire. Discover practical teaching tips, including Latin dance moves!


Rossi materials: Música Latina, Música Latina para dos



Jazzy Notes and Wild Stories (60 minutes)


Jazz history is bursting with colorful characters and rich stories!  Join Wynn-Anne as she takes you on a jazzy journey from ragtime through contemporary jazz.  Using samples from her "Jazzin' Americana" series, she will share educational and entertaining quips which you will want to share with your students.  Experience the meaningful humanity of music through this insightful session.


Rossi materials: Jazzin' Americana, Jazzin' Americana for Two



Chapters of Creativity (60 minutes)


Creative life is full of surprising twists and turns.  It is driven by life experiences, bursts of inspiration and plenty of mistakes.  While sharing her own compositions, Wynn-Anne will take us on a journey through the chapters of her life as a composer.  Listen to the story of her first publication, then learn about her latest obsession for international dance styles. Discover new music for your studio while learning core secrets for a vibrant creative life.


Rossi materials: a wide variety, representing five publishers



Seeds of Imagination (45 minutes)


At the elementary level, students can explore imagination and learn to compose with improvisation exercises and non-traditional notation. Travel under the sea or create a lion roar to learn about range, articulations and dynamics.  Self-expression becomes a natural part of the musical language.


Rossi materials: Creative Composition Toolbox



The Spark of Inspiration (90 minutes)


Inspiration is at the heart of musical passion.  Beginning with self-expression, Wynn-Anne will demonstrate a 3-minute approach for promoting improvisation and composition in the studio.  Then sit back and relax while listening to lively Rossi repertoire.  Walk away with refreshing new ideas to implement in your studio.  Sparks will fly!


Rossi materials: A wild, wide assortment!





Composition masterclass


Discover important tools for teaching composition as Wynn-Anne interacts with student composers and their original music.  Wynn-Anne has been teaching students to compose for over 30 years, working through camps, group venues and the private studio.  She also offers composition residencies in Minnesota schools and across the United States, encouraging thousands of young musicians to speak music!



Rossi repertoire masterclass


Discover the perspective of the composer,  including the stories behind the music! Wynn-Anne will gently guide each performer through the imagination which fuels her music while offering helpful tips on how to bring it to life in new ways.  Students are called to prepare music of any level, composed by Rossi. 



Combination masterclass


Discover the perspective of the composer.  Wynn-Anne will gently guide each performer through the imagination which fuels her music, offering helpful tips on how to bring it to life in new ways.  Students are called to prepare music of any level, composed by Rossi.  Original student compositions are also encouraged!  











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