Wynn-Anne Rossi
Composer / Pianist / Educator

Adopt Wynn-Anne!

Student poster inspired by "Spirit of the Mountain Stream"
Consider adopting me for a year ...
Composer adoptions are incredible experiences! My recent adoptions have ranged from local music schools to a vibrant music school in South Africa! In the 2021-22 school year, I've worked with both private music studios and musical organizations involving several teachers. I've enjoyed connections in San Mateo CA, Buffalo NY, Pullman WA, Maumelle AK and many more. Wherever you live, whatever your vision, Let's talk!
The concept is simple. I am your "composer-of-the-year". Throughout the school year, students practice and perform Rossi music. We interact through email with questions and answers as students learn firsthand about the life of a composer and the creativity behind the music. We can schedule zoom sessions on a number of topics. At the end of our virtual time together, we plan a final festival celebration. The finale can involve a number of events from music sessions and masterclasses to recitals and poster contests. An original commissioned piece can also be part of this event. Each adoption is unique and full of creative potential.
Piano solo commissions as part of adoptions include:
"Spirit of the Mountain Stream" (late int)
"Summertime Samba" (int)
"Sock Monster" (elem)
"Sirens of the Sea" (late int)
"Kitty Cat Etudes" (early int)